My full self expression supporting yours.

Why not do it all?

Every rational instinct in my being says I can’t offer multiple projects all at once, all in one place. But when I reflect who I’ve been all my life, I’ve always skillfully juggled many hobbies, projects, and passions at once. Lagartija Creative is simply a continuation of who I’ve always been.

I am one whole being who can’t be broken up into separate pieces, just like you, so you’re invited to explore it all, too: listen to my music, browse my yoga schedule, coo at cute designs, ponder about my editing and design services and how they might support you or a friend’s small business.

What I do

Yoga that moves all layers of your being

Support for human-focused small businesses

Music from the soul,
for the soul

Coming Soon: Etsy Shop!

My full self-expression supporting yours


My full self-expression supporting yours


My full self-expression supporting yours ✴︎ My full self-expression supporting yours ✴︎

Repeat after me: la-gar-TEE-ha

Green anole lizard on a curved metal bar

Lagartija is a Spanish word for lizard. The little reptile is play on my name that was used disparagingly as a child, so I ran from it for a long time. Much later—somewhere in early adulthood—I found myself in the company of caring people who called me Lizard endearingly, so I leaned in. And here I am, fully embracing the moniker.

Detail and big picture.

Consistency and creativity.

Logic and emotion.

The magic word is A N D


The magic word is A N D ✴︎